Spring Grove Village (SGV 2.0)
In the summer of 2017, we began talking about a new level of community organizing in Spring Grove Village, going beyond “getting to know your neighbor”. Besides us residents who live here, we have many others who care about our beloved community - our churches, schools, non-profits and the many businesses that operate here. We asked, “what can we do to learn about and engage one another”? - Gary Robbins, President, Spring Grove Village Community Council.
Coining the name, SGV 2.0, was a way of thinking about a future we could create. A future where more of us are connected and engaged with shaping our neighborhood’s future. The project began with a group of Industrial Design students from the University of Cincinnati who studied our neighborhood and interviewed many neighbors and businesses. Their report to the community provided the stimulus and inspiration for SGV 2.0.
Gary Robbins, SGV Council President & Steve Doehler, Professor of Industrial Design at University of Cincinnati.
Discovery Phase
In partnership with UC DAAP students.
Through interacting with community members including residents, organizations, and businesses, we learned the neighborhood’s assets and needs firsthand. We created a plan that allows the public to get to know and connect with the community.
Know Your Neighbor.
The next step began with a town hall style community gathering where residents were invited to come together to learn about SGV 2.0. Attendees were engaged in looking ahead and envisioning what would make SGV a great neighborhood.
Impact Analysis
Identifying the specific types of change (“Impacts”) the community desires to create, and developing strong, broad-based resident alignment around those Impacts.
Chart Pathways
Purpose was to develop a full list of reasonable action models to achieve levels of impact, given asset-mapping, creating consensus on best way forward, and building shared capacity to deliberate and act.